Phew.... what a long week. 3 assignments needed to hand in this week.
After struggling for a few moments due to brain blankness, finally finished the job. Just submitted the last one a few minutes ago.
Now all but one is left. Ah yes, the exam.
Looking at the date, its seems that I have less than 2 weeks to prepare for it.
Today is friday. I will start prepare on Monday.
Have to let my body rest after all that work. Haven't have much sleep. Maybe not as bad as some people but still need to.
Theres several movies that I wanted to watch. One of those is the Terminator. And the new Transformers looks nice. But its not out yet is it? I can't remember.
And catch up with anime, of course.
Watched Night at the Museum 2 last week. Reminds me how much I loved the prequel. Its like Toy Story, but with really big toys. Well some are small, which reminds me of Small Soldiers. Used to love that show.
Don't know what should I add, but maybe its time I show you how my dog looked like.
Mickey-chan desu!
Should ask mum if he changed a bit. I mean the looks.
He's still the same hyperactive dog that somehow becoming more like a ninja dog. Maybe sometime later he upgrades to ninja god, since DOG = GOD.
By the way this is last year's photo.
After struggling for a few moments due to brain blankness, finally finished the job. Just submitted the last one a few minutes ago.
Now all but one is left. Ah yes, the exam.
Looking at the date, its seems that I have less than 2 weeks to prepare for it.
Today is friday. I will start prepare on Monday.
Have to let my body rest after all that work. Haven't have much sleep. Maybe not as bad as some people but still need to.
Theres several movies that I wanted to watch. One of those is the Terminator. And the new Transformers looks nice. But its not out yet is it? I can't remember.
And catch up with anime, of course.
Watched Night at the Museum 2 last week. Reminds me how much I loved the prequel. Its like Toy Story, but with really big toys. Well some are small, which reminds me of Small Soldiers. Used to love that show.
Don't know what should I add, but maybe its time I show you how my dog looked like.
Mickey-chan desu!
Should ask mum if he changed a bit. I mean the looks.
He's still the same hyperactive dog that somehow becoming more like a ninja dog. Maybe sometime later he upgrades to ninja god, since DOG = GOD.
By the way this is last year's photo.