Sunday, August 9, 2009


I was so tired and busy lately that I have to write this a week later. And since this a pretty exciting thing, i suppose i should share my experience with everyone.

Anime SMASH! was held in the UNSW Roundhouse on 8th and 9th of August. It was my first anime convention event, and I was very excited on that day.

I reached there 15 minutes earlier, and there was already a long queue in front of the building. By the time i got in there, it was 10 passed. There's stalls around the circumference of the building, and seats in the middle in front of the stage. Some of the stores were actually anime clubs from other universities. By looking at the stuff they sell, I could probably tell which one is animeUNSW, since they sold the same thing as during UNSW foundation day on 31 July. And they cosplay as the Code Geass gang. Some other stalls sell limited edition figurines, manga drawing supplies, transformers figures, manga and DVDs. I bought the Code Geass Season 1 DVDs.

Upstairs, theres an art section, where people sell their own artwork and some doujins. Theres also a maid cafe, for eating cake. I am very interested with the maid cafe, but damn how long was that queue -.-. I cant be bothered waiting in the queue so I didnt end up going. Theres also a section where theres an interview with internation artists on stage, and also for them to sell their products. Among them is Cuson Lo from Hong Kong, with some of his art looked familiar for some reason. There is also a screening room, showing various anime ranging from those airing this season, to some classic ones.

In some other rooms outside the Roundhouse, there are also the Karaoke room, and gaming room, and model building room, and the craft room. I am very tempted to sing in the Karaoke room, but same as the maid cafe, theres a long queue. There are some of them singing without looking at the lyrics, and i was like Wow! The gaming room, well, fighting games and the dancing thing. Model building room and the crafts room, are as their name suggested, namely gundam models and... clay figures i think?

Theres a lot of cosplayers as well. Code Geass, Rozen Maiden, Halo, Lucky Star, even Sailormoon. Theres also quite a few people dressing as the same character, such as L from Death Note, and one of them even acts like him during the whole session. Should have took a picture of him. I was in a quest of find all the Rozen Maidens, but only 3 showed up, they are Shinku, Suiseiseki and Kanaria. Theres a guy who cosplays as Sailormoon. Damn!

The cosplay competition is certainly one of the main attractions of the convention. I almost missed it, because i was hanging around in the Karaoke room and the gaming room. Some of the cosplays are not really interesting. The one that I like is the guy as Sol Badguy, and the guy as King Bradley. The King Bradley dude made the eye patch covered his eye, which reveals a white object on his eye, which he then turns on a switch and make the eye shine a red glow! Thats is where his Ouroboros tattoo is on. I left before they announced the winner, therefore I do not know who the winner is.

Due to being busy and all, I didnt go on Sunday. For pictures, please click here.

Theres another one on September at the Australian Technology park. It is during my mid sem break, so theres a possibility that i am going on both days. Weeee~~~