Thursday, February 25, 2010


Last time i was stuck between getting 1 of the 3 next generation consoles. Well, 2 because i wasn't interested in the Wii. So its up to choosing between the Xbox 360 and the ps3.

My friends chosed the xbox360. Which has nothing to do with my decision. My decision for the console i due to the games that it has. I was waiting for Ar tonelico 3. The console which the game is the key. And therefore, i chose the ps3.

The ps3 is like a mini computer. it can play certain video files, certain music files, and pictures. It can also get online like the xbox360. and the graphics for the game is superb. But the thing is, my tvs are small. So we bought a 40" sony tv to put in my room just for the ps3, and also bought the HDMI cable.

The first game i bought is of course, Final Fantasy 13. And i can tell u that this game is the real deal. It is a true 1080p HD game. I will talk about the games in my next post. I have a few games to buy but i hvnt bought them.

Anyway I am glad to have a ps3. Makes my life better. lol

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Anime: Baka to Test to Shokanju

Havent been writing in this since ages ago. And the new season anime has started. Not much selection, and only a few interesting ones. The one I am most excited about is this.

Idiots, Tests and Summoned Beings. Its a light novel series that i am currently reading, and i love it. Its a comedy series about a school that has a system different from other schools. Each student can summon a being that looks like themselves. The power of the being is proportional to the student's grades. So basically the A class students have more powerful beings than the F class students. And some other system that i am too lazy to type now.

One of the reasons i like this series is the extreme comedy. From over the top funny, to down right stupid. I laughed non stop whenever i read it. Thats how funny it is. When i watch the anime, the same thing happened, I still laugh non stop.

The other is the character designs. Every character is unique, and quite stereotype. This can be good or bad, but i like it lol.

For me, this is a must watch for comedy fans. Or for people who like cutesy SD characters.

PS: I feel lazy, so this post is kinda short.