Friday, April 24, 2009

24 April 2009

I have been feeling sick lately. Always feel like vomiting. Most likely due to pressure. But today I thought, why feel pressure? I'll just do my best in my assessment and then I will be fine. I hope...
Anyway now I feel a bit better, thanks to Ar Tonelico song ---> EXEC_PHANTASMAGORIA/. Loved this song, even though haven't been listening to it for a while.

Today feels like the busiest day ever. Did a lot of stuff which requires a bit of stamina, which fortunately I have enough. It includes what I need to do and what my brother wants me to do =.= But even though I did all that, I am healed just by watching episode 4 of K-ON! This episode has a lot of Mio-chan MOE!! Oh I love slice-of-life comedies. They sure have incredible healing power.

Another thing is that I ordered 2 books from amazon japan. One of them has arrived! Its the Ar Tonelico 2 Visual Material! I found the 1st book somewhere but couldnt find the second. Now I have it. The Ar Tonelico series is one of my favourite games, so i am overjoyed. The other book was out of stock when I ordered, so it will be a bit later before it arrives.

The book is thicker than I thought, about half an inch. It contains artworks, character design materials, interviews of makers, and some extra stuff. There are scans available on the internet, but those are only less than half of the book, meaning only the pictures are scanned. I guess no one cares about the interviews.

I found scans of the book (credits to the scanner), so take a look here if you are interested.


Mizu Hime ミズ姫 said...

you pregnant? lol kidding over stress?take care ooo, ai~1 not happy ler, i think today is bad friday? coz u not feeling well and i very unlucky almost car accident? well, should be lucky that no accident~!

drop by here just wan to ask you to take care k~! by the way, like that u buy one visual material expensive ka?

~FeniX~ said...

not cheap, but buy from amazon cheaper.

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