Chat a lot with my friends recently. Random stuff like school life, work, food, gaming, anime, and occasionally, the past. In the past, we have countless events that were memorable, and talking about them brings back the emotions of the time of event. Things like how we met, how that certain someone was, how fun was that certain event, are the things that often talked about when concerning the past.
Feel nostalgic at some point but at the same time makes us realize how merciless time can be. Time makes us move forward, makes us change. And talking about the past implies that we dont wanna change, and wanting to go back in time (even though I dont think i have changed in anyway). But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't talk about the past, because it means that we treasure every moment that we have, we keep them in our hearts. Thats why we are able to talk about it. We wont be able to do it if we dont give a damn.
By the way did I sound like an old guy? Coz talking about past events are usually what old people do. I admit it is a fun thing to do though. When i am stress i usually pick out old games, or old photos to look at, makes me feel calm. After calming down, I can continue with my work.
Also recently, been playing on Facebook a lot. Never realize that it was that fun, with all the quizzes and comment spamming ^^. I never really bother with these things except for like looking at other people's photos. I havent touched my friendster account since a long time ago. I think it can be dumped.
Anyway... chatting about random stuff is fun. Thats why any slice of life comedy shows like Lucky Star goes really well with me. If anyone have recommendations about this sort of anime, let me know.

(Maa ii ka ^^)
we should do these once in a while =p i am happy too, u guys did blow my stress away
oh dear ... do write more... i am taking a break, after so many hours, only done 200 words.,..
Ganbatte nee... I duno where to start actually. u asking to write more post. i need to know what to write lo...
that is y i call u do ur assignments. is like that de... need to do and stop and do and stop...
tekken, i very happy ler... i mean, to know got sexy girl and handsome guy, can introduce more?or the one u watching lol.... .... tiara (forget name again)
and sorry for my rude behaviour, i know u r kind to give me suggestion, lawrence. very sorry. but yet, i just dun really like ppl order do stuff. anyway, ur kindness do reach my heart. thanks.
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