Sunday, April 26, 2009

Anime: Chi's Sweet Home

Before you start watching, ask yourself a question. Do I like cats? If the answer is yes, then you will love this anime. I do like cats, so I find this anime really cute.

Its about a life of a kitten who got lost from its mother and ends up in the care of a family. Nothing more. Thats the summary.

It is about 3 minutes per episode, full of cuteness and sweet moments. The season spans for 104 episodes, with the second season currently airing, and a new title: Chi's New Address.

This anime is based on the manga, and is actually aimed at housewives and kids that are too young to go to school. Therefore the dialogues are all simple and easy to understand everyday conversations.

I watched a few episodes last year, but decided not to follow it. But nowadays the stress and pressure and stuff makes me feel depressed. And while surfing internet, I suddenly remembered this anime. So i started watching, and my hp or anything regenerates bit by bit. Now THAT is something I want in this stage.


Mizu Hime ミズ姫 said...

wuahahaha... ok, recommend that to friends, no worry...

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